Vegan Keto Diet Guide

So you’ve committed to trying a vegan keto diet… or you’re curious enough to want to read up about it so you can make up your mind as to whether it’s right for you or not? I’ve gathered a lot of information on this topic from my own research as well as some trial and error and I wanted to share these learnings and tips to help you really set yourself up for success.

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Take WTF out of WFH

With the planet fighting back against mankind and forcing us all to stay in isolation. Those who can, have been working from home to continue earning a living. I’ve been doing this a while now and thought it may be useful to share some tips and tricks for how to get the most out of working from home.

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To Beer Or Not To Beer

If, like me, you’ve become vegan and had the shock of your life when you found out that some beers contain animal products then fear not. After trawling through the inter webs for information and giving up many many hours for “field research”. I’ve collected a bunch of information and tips to help you through it. 

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