Run Because You Can

Have you ever considered running as a way to stay fit and healthy but your body just won’t cooperate with your mind? If like me, you’ve struggled with running in the past then read on for some information on a program you can follow that will get you literally on a road to weight lose and enjoyment.

I’ve considered running many times as a form of exercise which I could bake into my weekly routine. Why wouldn’t you. You could be out on the roads, in a park or, if you’re lucky, on a beach enjoying the great outdoors. Every time I try I get plagued by injuries and keep coming back to this thought that my body is just not built for running.

I have a few friends who go for a run a couple of times a week and they do so, elegantly. They are fast, they can do the distance, and more importantly, they are not hobbling around for days afterwards.

So, what’s the trick? Well, like so many things in life, it all starts with training your body to do it. Trust me, if you persist with some planned out training, you will be able to run longer and further then you’ve ran before. I was overweight, had recurring Achilles problems and had not run more than a kilometer in one go prior to this program. It’s been literally a game changer for me.

So what is it? This magic cure for the lackofrunningitis that will get you out and about exploring the world.

The program is called Couch to 5K. It’s a 9 week program that gets you from walking to running. You will start off gradually with bouts of 60 seconds running to a point where you will be running for 30 minutes non stop. You will also improve your running speed till you get to approximately 6 mins a kilometer. This all adds up to you ending the program by being able to run for 5km, non stop.

Take a minute right now to just digest that and think about it. What a potential life changer this could be! You will be able to enjoy a run when you want and make it a part of your exercise routine. Maybe the driver is not fitness but a lifestyle choice. Maybe you want to be able to run about with the kids or dogs in the park and not get tired as often. The couch to 5K has the capability to make it happen.

So, how do you get on board? Well it’s easy. Just pay my mates a vegan 50 dollars a month and we will help you on this journey. Only joking. This is the beauty of this program. It’s completely free. It’s a program that has been worked out by some health professionals and has spread its wings on the internet. There is a big online community supporting this and plenty of online material.

I went through the program by listening to some awesome podcasts from the NHS in the UK. It’s a pleasant way to do it. Just listen to a podcast which gives you all the steps, prompts and advice you need to get you going. It also has some music to run along to.

Well, that’s it folks. No magic formula. Just hard graft and some sweat. But at the end of it, you’ll be able to go for a run and actually enjoy it.

If you liked this article, want some more info or just want to say hi. Then please leave a comment below.